Statuses Setting Guidance

Statuses Setting Guidance

We have already predefined a set of statuses for your convenience, but understanding that you and your team may have specific needs for customization, we provide the functionality to add and edit statuses for both Test Case and Test Run. With this flexibility, you can tailor the statuses to reflect the unique workflows and requirements of your team. Whether you need to create a new status for a specific project phase or modify an existing one to better align with your processes, the options are available and accessible for you to manage as needed.



How to Add & Edit:


Click [+Status] button and enter the Status Name, then Click [Add].

Then you will be able to see the status in the list and the team will be able to use the status.

The new added status is ACTIVE by default.


Edit and Delete:

If you want to Edit or Delete the Status, just mouseover the Status and click […], you will be able to select [Edit] & [Delete].


In the Edit popup window, the user should be able to edit the Name and Description of the Status.

Please noticed:

The user is able to activate or deactivate the status, just check or uncheck the selection of 'Activate this status', the status of the Status should change accordingly.


If you and your team do not need a custom status, you can delete it. Please note that the system default status cannot be deleted, but can only be deactivated.

Click the [Delete] button on the popup window, the status should be delete. But the cases or runs which are already marked with the status will not be changed.