Create Test Case

Create Test Case

Here are the details and steps about how to Create Test Cases:

Create Test Cases:

  1. Click the button [+Create] in the test case view, the user should be led to the Create New Case page.

create test case.png
  1. Detail page

On the Detail page, following information should show:

  • Test Name(Required): The Test Name is the only required information on this page, without a test name, the user cannot go to the other detail pages or save the case. In this field, the user can enter a summary name for this case.

  • Test Description: If more information needs to be added to the summary, the user can enter the information in this part.

Details: Here the users can change the following settings for the case, not required but would be really helpful to analyze.

  • Test Folder: This selection, the users can select a folder which is created. If there is no selection in this part, this case will be saved in the ‘Uncategorized’ folder.

  • Priority: Select a priority if needed and the priority in the Settings should be able to be seen in the dropdown list here.

  • Status: Select a status if needed and the Status in the Settings should be able to be seen in the dropdown list here.

  • Tags: Select a tag is needed and the tags in the Settings should be able to be seen in the dropdown list here.

  • Author: This part cannot be changed and will be set with the current user as default.

After entering the required field and the needed fields, the user can go to the Test Steps page.

create case info.png
  1. Test Steps page

In this page, the users are able to enter the preconditions, test steps and expected results.

  • Preconditions: In this part, the users can enter some preconditions for the test case, such as special accounts, sites, data, etc..

  • Steps & Expected Results

In this part, the users can set up the steps to execute this case and mark expected for each step if needed. Expected results can be relevant to the step which is more relevant.

Click the [+] button, a new step will be created.

Click the [Trash] button, the step will be deleted.

To be noticed, at least one step should be left even if no steps are needed. So when there is only one step, it cannot be deleted.

Test steps.png
  1. Attachment 

In this part, the user is able to upload some references if needed to help other team members understand more about this case and for a reference for themselves.

  • Upload:

Click on the [Browse to upload file] link, the user should be able to select one file from local. Then the file will be shown in the list below with the information of the file.

  • Download

The plugin supports the users downloading the attachments file to check. Click the [Download] button, The file should be downloaded to local and able to check.

  • Delete

Click the [Trash] button next to the [Download] button, a popup window shows on the page:

’Delete Attachment

Are you sure you want to delete this attachment? This action cannot be undone.’ 

Click the [Confirm] button, the attachment should be deleted.

Click the [Cancel] button, the window should be closed.

  1. Save and Back

After finishing the above steps, the user can save the new case.

Click the [Save] button, the case is created successfully, the page back to the Test Case page and the new create one shows in the list.

Click the [Back] button, the case is not created and the page back to the Test Case page.


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