Execute Test Run

Execute Test Run

Execute test run is one of the most crucial functions within a test run — the ability to record and track the execution results and progress of the test run. Here, the user will find a comprehensive overview of the key elements that document the status of the tests, allowing the team to stay informed and make informed decisions regarding the testing efforts.

Update the Test Run Status

The user can update the status of the test run with update the status of the test cases.

  1. Click the link of the Test Run, then the page should then to the Run Detail page.

update run status.png
  1. Click on the test case on the left side, the details about the test case should show on the page.

execute test run.png
  1. After executing the test case and getting the test result, click on the result below the Test Name. A popup window shows.

In this window, following features should show:

  • Results: Select one for the test case to mark the result of execution

  • Issues: If the test result is failed or with issue, link the issue with the case by this feature

  • Comment: Leave some comment here about the execution to record some information

  • Attachment: If any attachment need for the result, please add through here

  1. Click the [Add Results] button, the result is saved for the case.

Click the [Cancel] button, no results are saved for the case.

  1. After saving the results, the following changes show on the page:

  • The process of the Run shows the pass and fail with color, the whole process of the run shows in percentage.

  • All the information which is added should show on the page of the test case run page.

  • A [Run Again] button shows for the case which already has a result. Click the button, all the results and findings are deleted from the case.