Setup the Environment

Setup the Environment

In this part, the administrator can add the execution platform. The platform means the browser and the operation system. Like Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS.

Following are the steps to add, edit and delete:

- Group

The Testing Platform offers a versatile feature known as 'Groups', which serve as a centralized hub for organizing and managing your testing environments. Rather than being tied to specific device names, Groups provide a flexible framework for grouping together related testing configurations, scenarios, or simply a collection of tests that share common purposes or requirements.

a. Create Group

Here are the steps of create groups:

  1. Click the [+Group] button, a popup window shows on the page.

  2. Enter the ‘Name’ which is a required

  3. Click the [Add] button on the window, the group is added on the site.

Click the [Cancel] button, nothing saves.

b. Edit Group

Here are the steps of edit groups:

  1. Mouseover on the Group needs to be edited, a […] button shows on the page.

  2. Click on the [Edit] button, a popup window shows on the page.

  3. Enter the ‘Name’, this field is required, cannot be empty.

  4. Click the [Save] button on the window, the new name appears on the site.

Click the [Cancel] button, nothing saves.

c. Delete Group

Here are the steps of delete groups:

  1. Mouseover on the Group needs to be edited, a […] button shows on the page.

  2. Click on the [Delete] button, a popup window shows on the page, says:

‘Really delete platform group XXX? Deleting this group cannot be undone and will also remove all related platforms and configurations.

Please note: consider disabling the platforms or configurations instead of deleting the group to keep all historical information.’

  1. Click the [Delete] button, the group deletes from the list.

Click the [Cancel] button, nothing saves

- Platform

This feature is crucial for ensuring that the application or service is accessible and optimized for a wide range of devices and configurations. This function supports the team adding specific mobile phone models like the iPhone 12 or Android devices such as the Samsung Galaxy S21, or configuring compatibility with various computer setups including laptops with Intel Core i7 processors and 16GB RAM.

a. Create Platform

Here are the steps to create platform:

  1. Select the Group which the platform need to be in

  2. Click the [+Platform] button, a popup window shows on the page.

  3. Enter the ‘Name’ which is a required

  4. Click the [Add] button on the window, the group is added on the site.

Click the [Cancel] button, nothing saves.

b. Edit Platform

Here are the steps of edit groups:

  1. Mouseover on the Platform needs to be edited, a […] button shows on the page.

  2. Click on the [Edit] button, a popup window shows on the page.

  3. Enter the ‘Name’, this field is required, cannot be empty.

  4. Click the [Save] button on the window, the new name appears on the site.

Click the [Cancel] button, nothing saves.

c. Delete Platform

Here are the steps of delete groups:

  1. Mouseover on the Platform needs to be edited, a […] button shows on the page.

  2. Click on the [Delete] button, a popup window shows on the page, says:

‘Really delete platform XXX? Deleting this platform cannot be undone and will also remove all related configurations.

Please note: consider disabling the platform instead of deleting it to keep all historical information.’

  1. Click the [Delete] button, the platform deletes from the list.

Click the [Cancel] button, nothing saves.

- Configurations

The Configurations section of this user manual is designed to empower users with the capability to seamlessly integrate various platforms, facilitating efficient testing workflows for the team. Here, the team can configure and define the specific devices that will execute your test scenarios, ensuring that each test environment is accurately replicated and tailored to your unique needs.

a. Create Configuration

Here are the steps to create configurations:

  1. Click the [+Configuration] button, a popup window shows on the page.

  1. The added platforms show on the page and there is a checkbox for each platform.

  1. Select the needed platforms as a combination

  1. Click the [Next] button on the window, check and confirm the new configuration which is selected in step 3.

  1. If need change the selected platforms, click the [Previous] button can back to the selection page

  1. Click the [Add] button, the new configuration shows in the list.

Click the [Cancel] button, nothing saves.

b. Edit Configuration

Here are the steps of edit groups:

  1. Mouseover on the Configuration needs to be edited, a […] button shows on the page.

  1. Click on the [Edit] button, a popup window shows on the page.

  1. There is a selection on the page that says: ‘Activate this configuration’.

  1. Select the checkbox, the Active configuration would be deactivated and cannot be used in the system.

  1. Click the [Save] button on the window, the status of the configuration should be ‘Inactive’.

Click the [Cancel] button, nothing saves.

c. Delete Configuration

Here are the steps of delete configuration:

  1. Mouseover on the Platform needs to be edited, a […] button shows on the page.

  1. Click on the [Delete] button, a popup window shows on the page, says:

‘Really delete configuration XXX? This cannot be undone and removes the configuration from all runs.

Please note: consider disabling the configuration instead of deleting it to keep all historical information.’

  1. Click the [Delete] button, the configuration deletes from the list.

Click the [Cancel] button, nothing saves.

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